Thursday, February 13, 2014

10 Worst Things About Being A Runner- And Why They're Actually Totally Awesome

"That's the thing about running; your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success.  They are the moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life is."
-Kara Goucher

Kara Goucher after the 2011 Boston Marathon
We've been hit by yet another snow storm.  Oh. yay.  I have seen more snow in the last month than my entire childhood combined and am starting to develop some serious SAD (seasonal affect disorder).  So I've put together a list of the 10 worst things about running and why they're actually awesome to give you all a laugh if you're in need of one like I am.

1. Laundry: Running outfit, work outfit, going out outfit, cross training outfit, will accumulate so much laundry you will be on first name basis with everyone at the laundromat.

Why it's actually awesome... Three words. Race Day Shirts.  You will accumulate so many running shirts that you will be able to go for weeks without actually doing all the laundry you've stocked up and still be able to run in a clean t-shirt; just make sure you stock up on sports bras.

Just a few from my collection

2. You will be hungry.  All. The. Time.  As you build up your mileage, your appetite will seem to expand exponentially and you will wonder "what am I going to eat next" as you stuff your face with your post run bagel.  Most days as you pack your lunch you will look at your veggie chili, yogurts, apple, and almonds and wonder if that's enough food to make it through the day.

Why it's actually awesome... You may be hungry but you can eat and eat and you [probably]* won't gain weight.  You may go broke in Whole Foods, but you will also be able to eat Shake Shack guilt free.

*Disclaimer: You won't be able to eat whatever you want whenever you want (notice I said Whole Foods).  Unfortunately.  But you can still indulge more than others.

3.  You will develop an obsession with nutrient profiles you never thought possible.  Especially race week you will obsessively monitor the fiber content of foods, check and recheck how much protein you're getting, wonder if your refuel drink really does have the best ratio of carbs to protein, and carry around gallons of water to stay hydrated.  Then again this may be because I'm a nutritionist, but the fiber issue especially is a big one in the running community.

Why it's actually awesome... You can still eat shake shack (or whatever your guilty pleasure is) totally guilt free after the race.  

4. Bye bye social life. Soon enough last call at the bar will be replaced by 6 am runs so that you can get your mileage in for the week.  You will swap happy hours after work for a 6 mile run through the park.  You'll go to bed early so you can wake up in time to book a bike at your local spin class so you can get your cross training in.

Why it's actually awesome... Running friends are actually the best friends.  And the biggest partiers.  You might not make it to every happy hour, but you can dress in a ridiculous costume, run 10 miles, and drink guilt free among your new best friends.  And if you are one of those people that can stay out until 4 am doing tequila shots and then wake up for your long run you will forever have the reputation as a total badass.

Still have a bump from this one.
5. Bruises and Cuts You're not really a runner until you have the battle scars to show it.  Whether it be a fall while running through the woods or you were pushed down by an overanxious runner at the starting gates, your day will come.

Why it's actually awesome... Once again, you'll look like a total badass.  Or idiot...

6. You will be forced to become a morning person.  Races usually start around 7 or 8 am, meaning you need to be there by 6:30 or 7:30 am, factor in the time it takes to get there and don't forget you need to fuel yourself before your do the math.  Plus in the summertime when it's 90 degrees by 6 am you're going to want to get it done early.  Trust me.

Why it's actually awesome... Who doesn't love a good sunrise?  Or running on the Brooklyn Bridge sans tourists?

7. Your feet.  You will have the worst looking feet.  I will spare you the pictures of calloused feet, but it's not pretty.

Why it's actually awesome... Best excuse ever for a pedicure.  Those feet work hard- take care of them.

8. No matter how much you hate them, you will use a porta potty at some point.  And you will probably have to wait in line, bladder exploding, to do it.  Given your newfound obsession with hydration you will have to pee more than ever before.  You will start picking your races based off the reviews of the porta potty situation or shamelessly pee on the side of the race course to keep from waiting in line.

Why it's actually awesome... Who doesn't love a good pee story?

9. You will spend more money on running shoes than rent.  Ok hopefully not rent...especially if you're a New Yorker...but you'd be surprised how quickly you can burn out a pair of running shoes when training.  And if you're a really serious runner you will only run in your running shoes which means you will need another pair for cross training, spinning, and daily wear.  That's a lot of shoes.

Why it's actually awesome... It's an excuse to go shoe shopping.  And they're so pretty...look at the colors! 

10. You'll become so obsessed with running almost all of your pictures on facebook will be related to a running event, you will have an entire blog devoted to running, and people will probably think you're crazy.

Why it's actually awesome... Haven't you figured out running is the best yet?  Stay in shape while having endless excuses to treat yourself, travel, and meet new people--where are the negatives really???

Question: How many miles are you running this week?


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